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Modern scientific research depends heavily on processing massive amounts of data, which requires elastic, scalable, easy to use and cost effective computing resources. AWS Cloud provides such resources but researchers still find it hard to navigate the AWS console. RLCatalyst Research Gateway simplifies access to HPC clusters using a self-service portal, which takes care of all the nuts and bolts to provision an elastic cluster based on AWS ParallelCluster 3.0 within minutes. Researchers can leverage this for their scientific computing.

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As digital adoption grows, so do user expectations for always-on and reliable business services. Any downtime or service degradation can have serious impacts on the reputation of the company and its business with brutal reviews and poor customer satisfaction. The classic pursuit of DevOps helps businesses deliver new digital experiences faster, while Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) ensures the promises of better services actually stay consistent beyond the launch.

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While there are a lot of talks about Digital Innovation leveraging the cloud, another key disruption in the industry is Applied Science Innovation, led by Scientists and Engineers targeting a broad range of disciplines in Engineering and Medicine. Relevance Lab is proud to now ease the leverage of power tools like High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Quantum Computing on AWS Cloud for such pursuits with our Research Gateway product.

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Researchers are always looking for simple ways to run their complicated genomics workloads. Relevance Lab’s Research Gateway addresses this need. In a co-authored blog, the Relevance Lab leadership team and the AWS team provide a step-by-step walkthrough of running genomics & HPC workflows on the AWS cloud with Research Gateway – in less than 30 minutes!

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Pandemic has necessitated the need to accelerate cloud adoption, opening up a plethora of new challenges for enterprises with a backdrop of changing ground realities and an increasing focus on building a mature value-based cloud journey. In our blog, we will explore deeper into the topic and how Relevance Lab’s can help enterprises adopt cloud “The Right Way” faster.

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