Research Gateway

Empowering Your Research with Advanced Cloud Technology

Research Gateway is our cost-effective, flexible, and easy-to-deploy solution for Research Teams. It enables researchers to collaborate and focus on scientific outcomes by simplifying access to infrastructure, applications, and data. This self-service cloud portal allows customers to leverage Open Data repositories and run secure and scalable research on the cloud.

The Research Gateway cloud platform controls IT infrastructure, provides robust security, and offers budget management tailored for both IT and researchers.  Scientific and IT teams at universities, healthcare providers, genomics, pharmaceuticals, not-for-profits, and the public sector use Research Gateway to power and advance their research initiatives. 

IT Teams

Streamline Operations, Enhance Security, and Optimize Budgets

Create a more efficient, secure, and budget-friendly IT infrastructure for your researchers, maintaining complete control over the system without the hassle of daily management.

Streamlined Operations

Navigate IT complexities effortlessly with our plug-and-play solution, liberating your team from heavy workloads to focus on essential tasks.

Enhanced security

Our platform ensures top-tier security protocols, shielding your data and infrastructure against evolving threats.

Budget Optimization

Directly allocate cloud costs to researchers or third parties with cross-charging feature, ensuring effective budget management aligned with specific projects and resource usage.

Project and Budget Management

Utilize our integrated project management tool to organize projects, track cloud usage, and simplify billing for better expenditure oversight.

Research Teams

Focus on Your Scientific Discoveries, Not Cloud Complexities.

Streamline your research journey with easy cloud access and optimized budget management, placing collaboration at the core to amplify your research capabilities.

Streamlined Collaboration with Cloud Tech

Collaborate in real-time with peers across the globe, transcending boundaries for a more cohesive research ecosystem.

Customized Budget Management

Track, control, and manage your research budgets with precision, allocating funds exactly where needed without the risk of overspending.

Research-Focused, Admin-Simplified

Dedicate more time and energy to your research by simplifying access to cloud resources and streamlining budget management.

Tailor-Made for the Research Community 

Key Partners

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Delve Deeper into Research Gateway: Download Our Presentation to Discover How Advanced Cloud Technology Can Elevate Your Research.