Streamlining BPO Operations Efficiently

We assisted Startek in expediting their cloud migration, and bolstering data analytics, scalability, and security, all while resolving legacy issues.



rSavings of 50K annually on current spend on AWS Infrastructure


Savings on %15K annually by implementing the advisory findings on Azure Enviroment.


Security and Compliance: Automation Led 5 Layer Security and Compliance Maturity Model. No Sev-1 issues in last 12 months

3 to 2+

Consolidate from 4 Cloud Providers to 2 (Standardization)

Solutions Approach

  • Analysis: Audit all three Cloud Providers  (AWS, Azure, GCP) cloud expenses. Measure and detect the gaps against Performance Efficiency, Cost Optimization, Reliability and DR, Operational Excellence, and Security Posture.
  • Optimize: Optimized the workloads across environments by under-provisioning/removing the workloads based on the analysis and recommendations. Identified the anomalies and took corrective action thereby increasing the Security posture. Optimal Usage of workloads resulted in savings across all 3 Cloud Providers.
  • Operate: For Continual improvement, Relevance Lab suggested a framework. All digital applications to follow the ‘Deploy in the Cloud’ Framework to leverage the power of Cloud data Security, User Experience, Security Monitoring, and app scalability


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