Driving Growth for an Educational Site through a New E-Commerce Platform

Enhancing an educational platform with advanced e-commerce solutions led to increased sales, global expansion, and improved metrics. The focus on user experience, rapid software updates, and tailored features like custom search and multilingual support drove sustained success. Streamlined processes and quicker release cycles further propelled growth, establishing a strong foundation for continued market competitiveness and future advancements.

Friction Points

  • Outdated and inflexible e-commerce platform
  • Need for scalability and flexibility
  • Complex content management
  • Integration challenges with third-party platforms
  • Limited global adaptability


  • Selected Demandware's cloud-based e-commerce solution and AEM's web content management system for a unified customer experience
  • Executed content migration, refined workflows, and developed user interfaces on Demandware and AEM
  • Maintained consistency across old and new content assets
  • Implemented tailored features like custom search, varied payment methods, multilingual support
  • Responsive web design for diverse device compatibility
  • Integrated with third-party platforms including Google Analytics

Technology Enablers

  • Utilized Demandware's digital commerce platform for streamlined platform migration, store front development, third-party integrations, and content asset management
  • Custom AEM implementations consolidated content assets, enhanced user authentication, integrated with e-commerce applications, optimized website experience, and integrated external search engines


  • Enhanced flexibility and user-friendliness through Demandware and AEM integration
  • Drastically reduced release cycle time for quicker software updates
  • Substantial increase in e-commerce sales for the client
  • Expansion opportunities into international markets
  • Boosted online traffic and revenue generation
  • Overall improvement in key performance indicators (KPIs) for sustained growth and success.


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